Industry with a Future
In the fields of textile chemicals industry and surfactant chemistry there is a strong need for well-trained young professionals. New challenges, may it be new technical functions or the consequent optimization from environmental or consumer protection’s point of view ensures a fascinating, innovative field of activity. Inform yourself about the possibilities for studies and/or jobs in this industry.
Industry with a Future: Surfactant Chemistry
The world of surfactants is as manifold and exciting as, on the other hand, unknown. Or did you know that our everyday life is being influenced by these „busy compounds”? Starting with the early morning toothbrushing over the handling oft he inkjet printer up to the foam bath in the evening – surfactants are accompanying our daily routine. They belong to the most common chemical substance groups in household and industrial applications and surfactant chemistry is deemed to be one of the best-researched and scientifically developed fields.
Still, there are always new challenges and possibilities for innovations – these days, it is inter alia the search for new sources of raw materials, for new and even more environmentally friendly forms of surfactant chemistry and, as an ongoing task, the research for new effects, new application fields, new possibilities.
The TEGEWA brochure (reissue 2014) „Die fleißigen Verbindungen“ – „The busy compounds“ – provides comprehensive information regarding this topic:
The academic training field in regard of surfactants is, irrespective of its importance, lacking transparency for students in Germany. It is especially the industrial mid-sized sector which offers unknown career possibilities. Since 2015, TEGEWA provides information on training and career possibilities in the field of surfactant chemistry at relevant German colleges/universities in the format of a “Roadshow”, supported by its Steering Group Surfactants.
Are you interested in pursuing a career in the field of surfactant chemistry?
If so, please contact us or our member companies!
Industry with a Future: Textile Chemistry
If you believe that textile industry has moved entirely to Asia and training or study in this field would make no sense therefore, you are not the only one – unfortunately, because this is not true! We can state clearly: This industry is of highest relevance in Germany – and is lacking “young blood”!
Textile industry and its suppliers are an important economic factor in the German industrial landscape. Apparel textiles and especially technical textiles with high functionality and an enormous innovation potential are produced in Germany and sold worldwide.
What are „technical textiles“?
These are used e.g. in automotive and aircraft industries; geo textiles and textile insulation materials are further examples. In order to reach specific functionalities and surface properties, the systematic use of chemicals is necessary: textile chemistry.
Textile chemistry as an industrial sector is offering a variety on opportunities for training, advanced training and jobs. The degree programme on „Sustainable Textiles“ at the Hof University/Abt. Muenchberg is one of many possibilities: trainings partly in the company, partly at the university, followed by a full-time study course at the University.
Our member companies want to do something for your – and their own – future: This is the reason for establishing an endowment professorship for the master’s course „Sustainable Textiles“ at the Hof University/Abt. Muenchberg – starting in March 2020.
One quick word of advice:
Not only TEGEWA members, but also companies in TEGEWA’s customer industry – the textile finishing industry – report a rapidly increasing demand for young academics. Thus, a further group of potential future employers can be taken into account.