
Imprint Verband TEGEWA e. V.


Verband TEGEWA e.V.
Mainzer Landstraße 55
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: 069 / 2556-1339


Residence: Frankfurt am Main

Entry in the Register of Associations Register Number: VR 12085 – Local Court Frankfurt am Main
Represented by its president: Mark Dohmen (address see above)
Responsible in terms of § 55 paragraph 2 of the Interstate Treaty for Broadcast and Telemedia service:

Ralf Kattanek / Suzana Vrazitorovic
Verband TEGEWA e.V.
Mainzer Landstraße 55
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Copyright Notices

The Websites of the Association TEGEWA are protected by copyright. The information contained therein as well as the layout may not be published on other websites, in whole or in part, on other websites without TEGEWA’s written permission neither be published in different form,  reproduced, distributed or transmitted electronically or otherwise. Modification or use of these websites for public or commercial purposes without prior authorization by TEGEWA is prohibited.

In general, we appreciate links referring to the websites of the association TEGEWA. Any links out of websites with illegal, offensive, misleading, defamatory or adult content to are prohibited.

TEGEWA is not liable for any contents of other websites which can be accessed from this website via hyperlinks. This responsibility lies entirely with the third party offering these websites. The association TEGEWA distances itself from any content whose distribution is prohibited under German and/or foreign law. The association TEGEWA cannot by itself guarantee that the websites offered, the links or the sites being linked will be free from viruses.

All information published on TEGEWA pages is compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. No liability is accepted for topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of information. The association TEGEWA accepts no liability for any damage resulting from the use of this information.  This does not apply if the association TEGEWA or a vicarious Agent have acted deliberately or with gross negligence.

Picture Credits

Biocides © angellodeco / AdobeStock
Industry with a Future © ktsdesign / AdobeStock
Header/Network © denisismagilov / AdobeStock
Header/Platform © denisismagilov / AdobeStock (Zuschnitt)
Paper © Pierre brillot / AdobeStock
Perspectives (Gear wheels and heads) © freshidea / AdobeStock
Platform Process and Performance chemistry © Anusorn / AdobeStock

Textiles (fabric patterns) © Fiedels / AdobeStock
Structures © Foto-Ruhrgebiet / AdobeStock
Study Course/Traineeship © SolisImages / AdobeStock
Association (gear wheels) © alphaspirit / AdobeStock
Water Treatment © Werner / AdobeStock

AG Finishing (Puzzle) © age-barros / unsplash
Files © samuel-zeller / unsplash

Library © chuttersnap / unsplash
Frankfurt Main Station © Jan-Philipp Thiele / Unsplash
Competences © rawpixel / unsplash
Cooperations (hands) © age-barros / unsplash
Cosmetic © age-barros / unsplash
Leather © promesaartstudio / Adobe Stock
Perspectives © zachary-keimig / unsplash
Perspectively (facade) © maarten-deckers / unsplash
Stairs © alex-rodriguez-santibanez / unsplash
Clock © age-barros / unsplash
Vision © dawid-zawila / unsplash